For the science fair i am working with a partner her name is Emma. We might be doing one these subjects : What age remembers the most , What fertilzer works the best, or does the colour of a room affect human behaviar. Me and Emma are doing a board which is a full exhibit, we are both year seven students so we had a choice of doing an induvidual wall chart or a board with a partner or indualvidualy, so we chose to do a full exhibit. I am really looking forward to working on the science fair with emma because it's gonna be really fun and we both haven't entered the science fair before......

Those are some interesting and certainly very varied ideas you both have. I would recommend picking whichever topic will keep you interested for the next couple of months.
ReplyDeleteWith regards to the idea of looking at how the colour of the room can affect behaviour - how would you go about testing this? Classrooms at school tend to be quite colourful - where will you be able to get a room with only one kind of colour? Just something to think about :)