Monday, November 22, 2010
Pike River Mine Disaster - My Article
One Friday the 19th November 29 men got stuck down in the Pike River Mine. The youngest is only 17 years of age, he was eager to start work at the mine. The oldest miner was a 64 four year old. They are stuck down there because of a gas explosion. If they put a camera down into the mine, they are fearing that they will cause another explosion. The mine is located 46km northeast of GreyMouth. Halfway between GreyMouth and Reefton. The drill has to try and get through 150m of solid rock. A team of Australians are in ChristChurch, should the Mercy Mission need them ?
- Haylee Robben
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Athletics Day =]
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Cultral Diversity ( HR )
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Loud Shirt Day !
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
HR and JS Japanese Dialogue
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Maori Video
Our student teacher Ms. Foy is teaching us maori. We have done two sessions of maori with her so far. We have learnt maori numbers and some maori greetings.
Speaking :
I can greet people in maori - never, sometimes,usually,very frequently, always
I can count to ten in maori - never, sometimes,usually,very frequently, always
I can give numbers between 20-100 in maori-never,sometimes,usually, very frequently, always
I was pleased with the part of my video when i had to count to ten in maori because i have learnt how to at my primary school.
I need to work on giving number between 20 - 100 because in have to think about what to say because i am not fluent.
Enjoy my video :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Science Fair

For the science fair i am working with a partner her name is Emma. We might be doing one these subjects : What age remembers the most , What fertilzer works the best, or does the colour of a room affect human behaviar. Me and Emma are doing a board which is a full exhibit, we are both year seven students so we had a choice of doing an induvidual wall chart or a board with a partner or indualvidualy, so we chose to do a full exhibit. I am really looking forward to working on the science fair with emma because it's gonna be really fun and we both haven't entered the science fair before......

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
What I've learnt this week
Thursday, May 20, 2010
HR science pre - assesment
This is my science pre assesment i am talking about the rock that i am holding.... Please enjoy but dont laugh at me :)
HR and HC chinese dialogue
This is HR and HC talking in chinese we are saying : Hello , Our telephone numbers , Our favourite foods and drinks and then we both finally say goodbye to each other ... I hope that you all enjoy this video :)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I chose to do all these colours because they are
bright and happy colours. My background colours are the
house colours:Totara , Kowhai , Rata and Matai.
Thinker: At the side i drew some imagination bubbles,because sometimes thinkers have to use there imagination.Also for think i drew a box with a brain on the outside of the box. This represents that some thinkers have to think outside of the box to get the best ideas.And i drew a desk for independence because a good thinker is an independent thinker.
Communicater: I drew a few speech bubbles to represent Communicater, i put those because talking to each other is a way of communicating with one another just like a computer which i have also drawn on my tshirt.
I also drew a world with three people on it because its all about working together,especially around the world.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Chinese Introduction Video
So enjoy!! :)